Ridgemont Restart and Reopening Plan

On July 13, 2020, the Hardin County Schools, Midwest Regional Educational Service Center, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, and the Hardin County Board of DD, met with the Hardin County Health Department to create a reopening plan for school districts.  Tonight the Ridgemont Board of Education met and approved the Hardin County Schools Common Reopening Agreement and aligned documents.

This document highlights what Ridgemont Local Schools will be doing to keep our students and staff safe.  This document serves as an overview of the safety protocols and guidelines and is not an all-encompassing document.  More information regarding Restart and Reopen plans will be provided as it becomes available on the Ridgemont website at https://www.ridgemont.k12.oh.us/.  


  • We have adjusted the start of school and the first day for students will be Friday, August 21st.  

    • It is our intent to have the rest of the calendar remain unchanged.

    • We will be holding a virtual Open House with more information to follow.

  • Parents who send their children to school understand there is some level of risk for students who attend school in person, however, the school district will implement all safety protocols in the Hardin County Schools Reopening plan and aligned supporting documents.  These documents are fluid and will change based on the best evidence-based information provided by the Ohio Department of Health and the Ohio Department of Education.

  • Families will need to state their intent to choose Full Online home instruction for the 2020-2021 school year by completing the Full Online Instruction Request at  https://forms.gle/WAm6CrwnXMp1yXvo7 by August 3rd.  If families plan to attend On-Campus (face-to-face) you do not need to fill out this form.

  • Final Forms must be completed for all students whether you are choosing On-Campus (face-to-face) instruction or Online instruction.  To access FinalForms .https://ridgemont-oh.finalforms.com


  • All staff members will be wearing face coverings.  The type of face-covering (mask, shield, etc.) will be based upon the designated work area, type of work, and instructional needs of students.  

  • Face coverings are strongly recommended for all students, however; this will be a parental decision.  Face coverings will be provided to any student upon request.

  • All staff and students should do a health self-assessment prior to leaving for school.  We will also be taking student and staff temperatures when they arrive at school. 

  • If the person is experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, they should follow their school district’s sick leave and absence policies and not report to the school building.

  • Staff will be trained in the look for when it comes to symptoms of COVID-19 and on most days there will be a medically trained person at each building to support wellness during the school day.

  • There will be a separate designated area for students who exhibit COVID-19 symptoms during the school day.  

  • Students and Staff will be encouraged to practice frequent handwashing protocols throughout the day and hand sanitizer will be provided in high traffic areas, including but not limited to entrances to the building, classrooms, cafeteria, and gymnasium.

  • Signs, posters, and other methods to reinforce the importance of frequent hand washing and sanitizing and physical distancing protocols.

  • Floor markings will be used where needed to help students recognize proper social distancing in designated areas.

  • Students will have assigned seats and we are working to reduce the number of times students change classes.

  • We ask students not to share supplies unless it is completely necessary.  Shared supplies will be disinfected between student use.

  • Students will have assigned seats in all classrooms, on busses, and in the cafeteria.


  • All disinfecting products being used are EPA approved to kill the COVID virus.

  • All maintenance staff will be trained to clean areas and required to use personal protective equipment to protect themselves as well as limit the risk of spreading the virus.

  • The school district has developed cleaning protocols for each building paying close attention to high traffic, high touch areas, entrances and exits, classrooms, and bathrooms.

  • Classrooms and the cafeteria will be cleaned between student use.

  • Shared surfaces will be cleaned between periods and we ask that students not share supplies.

  • All buses will be disinfected following each route per cleaning protocols.


  • Bussing will be provided; however, families must understand that there exists some inherent risk for students that choose to ride the bus.  Families are encouraged to transport their bus riding children to and from school whenever possible.

  • Busses will be disinfected according to the safety protocols after the completion of each bus route.  


Food Service

  • Students will need to bring a pull top water bottle with them to school everyday as water fountains will be replaced with water filling stations.  This is an area where germs can spread easily.

  • More details about breakfast and lunch will be available soon.


  • There will be no visitors or volunteers in the building this year. 

  • Those with scheduled appointments will be required to follow the safety protocols and wear a face covering. Face coverings will be provided upon request.

  • There will be no field trips until further notice. 

  • We will follow OHSAA guidelines for the upcoming sports year.

  • Please note that the Hardin County Plan does follow four levels of instruction and it is possible that at any time, Ridgemont might need to move to the hybrid or remote learning model for reasons other than those required by the  Ohio Public Health Advisory System.

  • Circumstances may change in our district/state/nation that requires us to deviate from this plan.

We will continue to meet and revise our plans as more information and guidance becomes available.  Our goal was to send out the current information we have in order to answer many of our school family’s concerns.  We will continue to provide the highest quality, safest, education we can afford for our entire school community.

Yours in education,

Sally Henrick

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